Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Human Resource - Essay Example 1. __False__ Suzy is employed as a secretary in the U.S. Senate. Her supervisor has insinuated that there are negative references in her personnel file. Suzy has demanded to see her personnel file and her supervisor has refused. Her supervisor has violated the Privacy Act. No, he has not violated the privacy Act since it relates mostly to health issues but in this case, Suzy is not authorized to see her personal file .It may be against the company policy to show the personal files of the employees. 4. False Melissa is fired for stealing from her employer, LaMont and Co. She is convicted of the theft, but given only a light sentence. Some time later, a prospective employer calls LaMont for a reference, and is told that the reason for Melissa’s termination was that she had committed theft of employer property. Melissa does not get the new job. LaMont has defamed Melissa According to the labour law the employees shall have the right to self organize and form unions or refrain from it. However, unfair labour practice charges can be brought against an employer on account to wages, hours and other terms of employment if they are not in accordance with the state laws or norms prevailing within the company or industry. False, The Wagner Act identifies the unfair labor practices that the employer can be accused of. The Taft Hartley Act was passed to amend the Wagner Act to restrict mis-use of unionism allowed through the Wagner Act. OSHA allows the workers to refuse to work if they see that the employer is violating their duty of providing a safe workplace. The employer is required to take corrective action but can not replace the workers since it is their right under OSHA to refuse to work in unsafe conditions. 14 TRUE OSHA does not hold employers liable for injuries suffered by employees while working in the employee’s home offices, but employers are responsible for injuries suffered by employees if the employee

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