Friday, June 26, 2020
Effects Of Diarrhoeal Diseases On Farmers Households - 11000 Words
Effects Of Diarrhoeal Diseases On Farmers' Households In Ewaso Narok Swamp In Laikipia County, Kenya (Thesis Proposal Sample) Content: EFFECTS OF DIARRHOEAL DISEASES ON FARMERS HOUSEHOLDS IN EWASO NAROK SWAMP IN LAIKIPIA COUNTY, KENYAVINCENT KIPKIRUI NGETICH (BSc ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH)Q58/29797/2014DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTHA RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH (EPIDEMIOLOGY AND DISEASE CONTROL) IN THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY AUGUST, 2016DECLARATIONThis research proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. Signature .Date. Vincent Kipkirui Ngetich Q58/29797/2014 Supervisors: This research proposal has been submitted for review with our approval as University Supervisors. 1. Signature: .Date .. . Dr. Isaac Mwanzo Department of Community Health 2.Signature:..Date .. Dr. Justus Osero Department of Community Health3.Signature: Date. Dipl.-Geogr. Carmen Anthonj Institute for Hygiene Public Health, GeoHealth Centre University of Bonn, Germa ny TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295724" DECLARATION PAGEREF _Toc459295724 \h ii HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295725" LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS PAGEREF _Toc459295725 \h v HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295726" DEFINITION OF OPERATIONAL TERMS PAGEREF _Toc459295726 \h vi HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295727" ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc459295727 \h vii HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295728" CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc459295728 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295729" 1.1 Background to the study PAGEREF _Toc459295729 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295730" 1.2 Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc459295730 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295731" 1.3 Justification PAGEREF _Toc459295731 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295732" 1.4 Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc459295732 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295733" 1.5 Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc459295733 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295734" 1.6 Objectives PAGEREF _Toc459295734 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295735" 1.6.1 Broad Objectives PAGEREF _Toc459295735 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295736" 1.6.2 Specific Objectives PAGEREF _Toc459295736 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295737" 1.7 Significance of the Study PAGEREF _Toc459295737 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295738" 1.8 Delimitation and Limitation PAGEREF _Toc459295738 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295739" 1.8.1 Delimitations PAGEREF _Toc459295739 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295740" 1.8.2 Limitations PAGEREF _Toc459295740 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295741" CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc459295741 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295742" 2.1 Overview of the effects of diarrhoeal diseases PAGEREF _Toc459295742 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295743" 2.2 Common diarrhoeal diseases in wetlands PAGEREF _Toc459295743 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295744" 2.3 Access and utilization of health services PAGEREF _Toc459295744 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc45 9295745" 2.4 Household coping strategies PAGEREF _Toc459295745 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295746" CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS PAGEREF _Toc459295746 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295747" 3.1 Study Design PAGEREF _Toc459295747 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295748" 3.2 Variables PAGEREF _Toc459295748 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295749" 3.3 Location of the Study PAGEREF _Toc459295749 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295750" 3.4 Study Population PAGEREF _Toc459295750 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295751" 3.5 Sampling Technique PAGEREF _Toc459295751 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295752" 3.6 Sampling Size Determination PAGEREF _Toc459295752 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295753" 3.7 Construction and Research Instruments PAGEREF _Toc459295753 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295754" 3.8 Pre Testing PAGEREF _Toc459295754 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295755" 3.9 Validity PAGEREF _Toc459295755 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc 459295756" 3.10 Reliability PAGEREF _Toc459295756 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295757" 3.11 Data Collection Techniques PAGEREF _Toc459295757 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295758" 3.12 Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc459295758 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295759" 3.13 Ethical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc459295759 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295760" REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc459295760 \h 21 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295761" APPENDICES PAGEREF _Toc459295761 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295762" Appendix 1: Workplan PAGEREF _Toc459295762 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295763" Appendix 2: Budget PAGEREF _Toc459295763 \h 26 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295764" Appendix 3: Distribution of Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc459295764 \h 27 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295765" Appendix 4: Map of the Study Location PAGEREF _Toc459295765 \h 28 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295766" Appendix 5: Informed Consent PAGEREF _Toc459295766 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc4 59295767" Appendix 6: Questionnaire PAGEREF _Toc459295767 \h 31 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295768" Appendix 7: Key Informant Interviews PAGEREF _Toc459295768 \h 47 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc459295769" Appendix 8: Focus Group Discussion Guide PAGEREF _Toc459295769 \h 48LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSDALYs: Disability Adjusted Life YearsFGD: Focus Group DiscussionIDI: In-Depth InterviewsIEC: Information Education and CommunicationIHPH: Institute for Hygiene and Public Health, University of BonnILRI: International Livestock Research InstituteKDHS: Kenya Demographic Health SurveyKII: Key Informant InterviewsKms: KilometresKPHC: Kenya Population and Housing CensusKUERC: Kenyatta University Ethics Review CommitteeKsh: Kenya shillingsLMICs: Low and Middle Income CountriesMOH: Ministry Of HealthNGOs: Non Governmental OrganizationsSDG: Sustainable Development GoalsSPSS: Statistical Package of Social SciencesUNEP: United Nations Environment ProgramUNICE F: United Nations Childrens Emergency FundWHO: World Health OrganizationDEFINITION OF OPERATIONAL TERMScapacity to pay: It signifies reasonable income remaining after essential achievement of subsistence necessity. Reasonable income refers to the overall household consumption expenditure.COPING STRATEGY: - It denotes a particular effort, both psychological and behavioural that household apply to master, endure or lower stressful events.DISEASE: - Refers to a period of sickness affecting the body or mind.Health economics: Refers to sub-branch of economics concerned with effectiveness, efficiency, worth and behaviour in healthcare production and consumption.HOUSEHOLD: Refers to group of people, often family, who live together.ONEROUS: Refers to something involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome.OUT OF POCKET EXPENDITURE: It signifies the point at which payments to receiving health services are met. It entails all cost related to consultation fees, purchases of drugs, hospital bills and net of insurance reimbursement.subsistence spending: Refers to the lowest requirements to sustain basic life in a society. ABSTRACTThe growing food insecurity in East Africa has led to an expansion of cultivation to wetland sites. As individuals use them for farming, they may expose themselves to the risk of contracting diseases. Disease can have wide-ranging implications on households, which shall be addressed by this study. The main research focus will be to investigate medical and productivity effects of the major diarrhoeal disease for farmers and their families on a household level. The effects of different diarrhoeal diseases shall be measured as well as the coping strategies of households. A descriptive cross-sectional study design which employs mixed methods will be used. For the quantitative part of the study, household questionnaires will be administered in the two stratified zones in Ewaso Narok Swamp. As for qualitative data collec tion, household members will be selected for participation in Focus Group Discussions. Also, Key Informant Interviews will be conducted with Community Health Volunteers, village heads, religious leaders and farmers association members. The pertinent issues addressed will entail family income reduction due to absenteeism; the patient special time-intensive and costly cares from the family and health services of the farmers households. The research will be conducted in Ewaso Narok Swamp, Kenya, which is characterized by year-round water availability within a semi arid area, high resource base quality and hence potential hotspot for food production. Effective health policy decision making requires a concise picture of diarrhoeal disease burden inorder to prioritise allocation of resources. Thus, this r...
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